Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) throat surgery is a procedure to open the upper airways by removing extra tissue in the throat. During the procedure, the doctor removes tissue and muscle from the inside of the throat and reshapes it. The procedure can help individuals who have severe sleep apnea, also known as breathing issues while sleeping.
Physician order required. Please do not order until "ENT Office Visit - Ear Nose Throat and Neck" with chosen doctor has been completed.
Physician order required. Please do not order until "ENT Office Visit - Ear Nose Throat and Neck" with chosen doctor has been completed.
Physician order required. Please do not order until "ENT Office Visit - Ear Nose Throat and Neck" with chosen doctor has been completed.
Physician order required. Please do not order until "ENT Office Visit - Ear Nose Throat and Neck" with chosen doctor has been completed.
Physician order required. Please do not order until "ENT Office Visit - Ear Nose Throat and Neck" with chosen doctor has been completed.
Physician order required. Please do not order until "ENT Office Visit - Ear Nose Throat and Neck" with chosen doctor has been completed.
Physician order required. Please do not order until "ENT Office Visit - Ear Nose Throat and Neck" with chosen doctor has been completed.