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Reconstruction of Dislocating Patella

Reconstruction of Dislocating Patella in Andover, KS

$6,815 - $8,962

Reconstruction of dislocating patella is a minimally-invasive technique that shows promise for patients with recurrent patella (kneecap) dislocations. In this procedure, the surgeon uses a tendon graft to re-create the function of the native MPFL. A chronic condition, in which the kneecap continues to be unstable, can often be corrected by this procedure. It can be used to realign bone and repair or reconstruct the MPFL to keep the kneecap in place - or to release tissues that pull the kneecap out of the femoral groove.

Physician order required.

Please do not order until "Orthopedic Surgeon/Doctor Office Visit" with chosen doctor has been completed.

Available Providers
Service Location:
Cypress Surgery Center
9300 E. 29th St. N.
Ste. 100
Wichita, KS 67226
6.3 miles from you
All Inclusive Price:
Facility, Equipment & Supplies
Post-Operative Visit(s)
Pre-Operative Visit
Does Not Include Pre-Operative Clearance

Physician order required.

Please do not order until "Orthopedic Surgeon/Doctor Office Visit" with chosen doctor has been completed.

Reconstruction of Dislocating Patella
Estimated Savings